Grade 5

Le Zloukch
Book Study
* Reminder to all students to please copy and
 paste completed assignment in your French folder found in TEAMS.

mardi - jeudi, le 25 juin 

* You've made it! Last mini-project of the year!

* Our last project is a "bricolage". You are to draw and design a new and colourful look for Le Zloukch. Some ideas include: mosaic pieces of different colours, line art, dot art, etc... Feel free to use the images in the book on stream as a reference tool.

* Here are some examples of how you can decorate Le Zloukch!!!

Dot Art:

 Mosaic Art:
 Line Art:

 Let your creativity soar & have fun!

vendredi, le 19 juin 

*Let's attempt to put our new-found knowledge of inferencing to the test. Today I would like you to listen to "Le Zloukch" on stream (with pictures). While following along, you are to tell the story in your own words in English. I am not looking for word-for-word translation, but concept translation.

Remember NO use of dictionaries or devices... You can do it!!!

mercredi, le 17 juin 

*Please review last days assignment and compare your answers to the answer key. How did you do? Not that difficult, right! Before we attempt to use our new-found knowledge of inferencing on our book "Le Zloukch", I have one more inference activity for you to complete. No use of dictionaries or devices... You got this!!!

Les idées pour s’amuser tout l’été!/ Summer Activities

___ faire du cerf-volant

___ jouer au cache-cache

___ prendre une promenade

___ aller au cinéma

___ aller au plage

___ voir un feu d’artifice
___ faire une balade à vélo

___ Pique-nique dans la nature

___ Griller des guimauves.

___ rendre une visite avec mes amis.

___ aller pour la crème glacée

___ inviter un ami à dormir

     1.    Name one suggestion good for an animal lover.

    2.   Cache-cache is a favourite kids game, what is it?

    3.   Where would be a relaxing & quite place to read a book?

    4.   Griller means to grill/ roast… what is this summer activity? “Griller des guimauves”

    5.   Name the activity in French that corresponds with English word:

 Bike: _______________________________________

Fireworks: ____________________________________



lundi, le 15 juin 

*Before assigning our final art project connected to our book study "Le Zloukch", let's take a moment to understand the importance of inferencing (especially when learning a second language). Making smart guesses based on images, simple/known vocabulary, and connecting to life experiences is helpful in predicting, making connections, and drawing conclusions. Let's attempt to put this reading comprehension strategy into practice... Today's assignment is to select the most appropriate answer summarizing each paragraph without the use of any dictionary or device... just your big, beautiful French brains.

1. Daniel is terrified of les araignées! He thinks they are creepy and hates finding them in the house. He hates anything with 8 jambes.

a) sun flowers
b) beetles
c) spiders

2. Stéphanie enjoys taking des promenades autour la ville, especially with her copain. There is lots to see and do in sa ville; un théâtre, un centre sportif, des plages, etc…

a) Stephanie takes bike rides throughout the city to see the sites.

b) Stephanie likes walking with her boyfriend around the city.

c) Stephanie likes going to the theater, etc…

3. Mon papa me donne un vélo. C’est rouge et blanc. J’ai besoin d’un nouveau vélo parce que mon vieux vélo est trop petit. J’ai hâte d’aller avec mes amis!

a) I got a new bike.

b) My dad’s bike is red and white.

c) I hate playing boring games with my friends.

jeudi, le 11 juin 

Two parts to today's assignment:
*Please rewrite your sentences into a paragraph format.

*Once your paragraph is complete, please send me a video/ audio file of you reading your paragraph.  

You are doing great, keep up the fabulous work! Bon effort tout le monde!

mardi, le 9 juin 

*The following are sentence starters to help answer the comprehension questions from the previous class. Please attempt to put them in order (of the questions from Friday) & fill in your answer to create complete sentences.

Ma partie préférée est quand…

J’aime lire ce livre/ Je n’aime pas lire ce livre.

Ce livre ressemble un autre livre "__________"

Mon personnage préféré est …

Si je pourrais être un personnage dans ce livre, je voudrais être __________, parce qu’il/ elle est ____________.

Ce livre est à la réalité quand…





vendredi, le 5 juin 

* For today, please re-read/ listen to "Le Zloukch" (both versions, with pictures & without) located in your STREAM section of Teams. If you are having difficulty finding it please let me know and I will help guide you. 
* Following the re-reading of the "Le Zloukch", please answer the following questions based on the book. Feel free to answer using one word answers or phrasing borrowed from the book. We will be transferring the information into a complete paragraph format next week. Bonne chance!!!

1.      Qui est ton personnage préféré?

2.       Est-ce que ce livre a une ressemblance a un livre que tu as déjà lu?

3.       As-tu aime ce livre?

4.       Comment est-ce que ce livre est relie à la réalité?

5.       Quel était ta partie préférée?

6.       Si tu pourrais être un personnage dans ce livre, qui serais-tu?

mercredi, le 3 juin 

* Today's assignment is divided into 2 parts*

1. Please rewrite your sentences into a paragraph format in your neatest printing. Your sentences should follow this order:
Where it lives
What it likes to eat
5 sentences describing attributes

2.Once you have completed writing your paragraph, please send me a video/ audio file of you reading your paragraph.  

I look forward to hearing all your presentations!!!

lundi, le 1 juin 

* Last day's class you were asked to create 5 sentences describing your Zloukch's attributes. Today, we are going to add to those sentences. Using vocabulary, simple sentence structure & phrasing from previous thematic units (family unit, comic unit & preposition unit,), let's add 3 additional sentences about our Zloukch.

a. Name
b. Where it lives
c. What it likes to eat.

a. Je m'appelle Roxy.
b. J'habite (I live) dans les montagnes, dessous les roches.
c. J'aime manger (I like to eat) les tapis.

(Blue= taken from previous units/     Underlined= I added/      Bolded black= new vocab.)

* Feel free to play around with the vocabulary or sentence structure, be silly and creative... 

jeudi, le 28 mai 

* Now that you have completed drawing & labeling your Zloukch, todays assignment is to create 5 sentences describing the attributes that you have labeled with the verb sheet from last day's assignment.
* Remember, if your monster is male, start each sentence with "Il" (he).
*Remember, if your monster is female, start each sentence with "Elle"(she).
* Sentence template: 
Il/ Elle a _________ pour __________.

He has claws for hunting.

Il a des talons pour chasser.


mardi, le 26 mai 

* Continuing from last day's class (drawing of your Zloukch), please LABEL 5 different attributes of your Zloukch ex) hornes= les cornes/ fur= des fourrures. Feel free to use either a French/ English dictionary or a device.

* Second part of your assignment is to match the French verb with it's English meaning.

vendredi, le 22 mai 

* Use the answer key below to correct last days assignment:

1.    Éleveur= trainer
2.   Coquillage-=shell
3.   Poisson-scie= saw fish
4.   Barbouille= to smudge
5.   Nul= hopeless
6.   Rire= to laugh
7.   Accompagna= to accompany
8.   Trompait= wrong

* I have uploaded another video to "Stream" on Office 365 of me reading "Le Zloukch", yet this time focusing on the words of the story. It is titled "Le Zloukch/ Words only". Please have a listen, then try reading along with me.

* The next part of today's assignment is to create your very own Zloukch. Think of 5 different attributes you would like to represent in your picture; colour, shape, size, horns, three eyes, etc...
 NO WHITE SPACES! (These 5 attributes are important as we will be referring to them in our written work)

mercredi, le 20 mai 

* Our final unit of the year, keep up the great work! I have uploaded a video to "Stream" on Office 365 of me reading "Le Zloukch".

 *Your assignment for today is to use your French/English dictionary or device to search for the vocabulary listed below that I took directly from our story. The instructions ask for 10 words, but I am only asking for the 8 words I have listed.

Les Bandes Dessinée

lundi - vendredi, le 15 mai 

* Using your mind-maps we can begin creating your comic strips. Feel free to create your own on a blank piece of paper or print a free template from the web. 

Here are the requirements:
    * Needs to include all information from your mind map
* Proper phrasing & spelling
*Needs to have 5 boxes minimum
*Time/Effort/ Visual appeal- fully coloured, no white spaces

Extra phrases you can feel free to use:
* Aide= help/ Aide "Superman"= help Superman
*Aide-moi= help me
* oh secours= rescue!
*Ah non!= Oh no!
*merci= thank you
*merci quand meme= Thanks anyways!


jeudi, le 7 mai

Let's map our comics; 
* Using the mind-map from last class (or on scrap paper), fill in each section with vocabulary/ phrasing/ sentencing we have been using throughout our unit. Refer to previous handouts/ completed work to use as a reference tool.    

Here is what I am looking for:
* Presentation- "Je m'appelle ________"
*Description- "Il/ Elle est ____________ et ______________" (choose 2)
* Bruit- (2 noises)
* Action- (2 actions)
*Scene- ( 1 scene, can use up to 2 scenes) ex.) character starts in outer space and ends up landing in the mountains.


mardi, le 5 mai

Before we begin mapping our own comics, let's try putting our new found knowledge to the test. 
* Please reread our fist comic strip posted mercredi, le 15 avril
* Using the vocabulary in the second handout try placing the 5 phrases in the proper place.


vendredi, le 1 mai

*Today's assignment we will be looking at actions & sounds. Please find the English meanings for the French actions (verbs) and properly place them according to who is speaking... pay attention to the pronouns; je= I/ Il= he/ Elle= she. Take your time!

* The second page is a fun way to introduce sounds in French. Using the internet, see if you can add two additional sounds not included on the worksheet. 

mercredi, le 29 avril

*Now that we have an understanding of our newly learned vocabulary, let's begin creating simple sentences that we will use when creating our comic strips! Bonne chance mes amis!

l’espace           la forêt           une île             l’océan

le désert                 les montagnes


lundi, le 27 avril

*Today's assignment is to send a video/ audio file of yourself reading only 1 of your sentences. As some individuals are having difficulty sending large files. 


jeudi, le 23 avril

* Using the 5 different adjectives from the last assignment, let's make sentences describing 5 different Superheros. 

*Remember to add the appropriate spelling if the superhero is masculine or feminine.

ex) Mon personnage préféré est Superman parce qu’il est rapide.


mardi, le 21 avril

Les Personnages

Translate into English:

sympathique                       super-forte                    comique                   effrayant

            extraordinaire                                géniale                                   super-fort

effrayante                                héroïque                               génial           rapide           

Fill in T-chart with all adjectives listed above.

·         If there is only one adjective… it is both masculine and feminine.

Masculine= Il                  Feminine= Elle

Assignment; vendredi, le 17 avril
·       Please go back to previous assignment and correct your own work using the answer key below;
1.             Le commentaire
2.             La scène
3.             Le dialogue
4.             Le personnage
5.             La case
6.             L’action
7.             Le bruit

·       Answers are to be in FRENCH. Feel free to use your devices to look up each scene.

·       Remember to indicate whether masc. or fem. (le= masc./ la= fem.)

Assignment; mercredi, le 15 avril

Réponds aux questions
Answer questions in FRENCH, using vocabulary from text. No dictionaries, try using your beautiful French brains J

Name the main character (le personnage): _________________________________________________

Name the setting (la scène):

List 2 noises (les bruits):
_________________              _________________

Name our Superhero’s power (l’action):

Try matching the numbers on the comic with the appropriate term:
1.    Text Box: la scène  la case  le dialogue

 le personnage l’action

le bruit  le commentaire
2.   ___________________
3.   ___________________
4.   ___________________
5.   ___________________
6.   ___________________
7.   ___________________

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